
Confidence Booster – $6.00

Calm, grateful, happy, and relieved. These are the feelings inspired when you have confidence and control over the choice you are making. Do you, your loved ones, or someone you know to struggle with “this” or “that” pesky occasional health concern? Perhaps restless sleep, digestive or muscle discomfort, or mood ups and downs (to name a few), I would love to share with you, how you can harness the power to change.

I invite you to learn how to be more confident in your knowledge of essential oils. Be a warrior and help your family and friends feel their best!

  • One essential oil sample for you to enjoy during the workshop.
  • What are essential oils?
  • Where do they come from?
  • Why is purity important?
  • Be inspired to use our top 10 recommended essential oils aromatically, internally, and topically.
  • Discover new ways to care for the health of your body and mind.
  • Personal worksheet to assist you; notes, interests, goals.
  • Essential oils made ease guide.

Share this opportunity with someone you care for and pay it forward. I welcome them to participate alongside you in this workshop.

Leave the workshop with peace of mind, and the knowledge that there is simplicity, and glory in what you learned. Simply use one essential oil that you love and discover how it can support your health at the same time. 

This workshop will be held on Zoom. You must register a minimum of two weeks before the workshop to receive an essential oil sample. Registrations received less than two weeks before the selected workshop date are not eligible to receive a sample.

  • You will receive the zoom link and other materials by email the day before the workshop. 

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Deep Dive + – $12.00

Inspired, motivated, and educated. These are the feelings evoked during this workshop. Have you been inspired to seek a more natural lifestyle? Maybe you know just a little about essential oils, you have a few sitting around your home, but find yourself wanting, needing to know more. Or maybe you have wanted to use them, but are never sure what you should invest in? Is this you? I invite you to take a deeper dive with me! 

There are endless possibilities when it comes to using essential oils aromatically, internally, and topically for natural health benefits.

  • Infusing food for natural flavor.
  • Adding a drop to a bath for a relaxing and soothing soak.
  • Applying a drop on the back of your neck for extra focus.
  • Applying a drop on your wrists to calm nervousness.
  • Adding a drop to your palms, sniff and inhale for a burst of energy.

Whatever comes to mind that you could use help with, I am here to share options that give you the support when you need it most to seek a desirable outcome. Bonus: Learn how to use them effectively to support the body against seasonal and environmental factors.

This workshop includes:

  • Natural Solutions Guide.
  • 100 Uses for Essential Oils eBook.
  • Enjoy two essential oils samples to experience during the workshop.
  • I’ve included two of my favorite blend recipes for topical and/or aromatic use in a diffuser.
  • Personal worksheet to assist you; notes, interests, goals.

Involve your family and friends by sharing this opportunity with them! Participate in the workshop together. I guarantee you will have a great time.

This workshop will be held on Zoom. You must register a minimum of two weeks before the workshop to receive the essential oil samples. Registrations received less than two weeks before the selected workshop date are not eligible to receive samples.

  • You will receive the zoom link and other materials by email the day before the workshop. 

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Ditch and Switch – $18.00

Confidence, knowledge, and power. These are the feelings inspired when you know exactly what ingredients are in the products you use on a daily basis. You can pronounce the words, and better yet, you know what they are without having to “look” them up! Have you become sensitive or concerned with synthetic ingredients in common personal and household products? What products are you currently using in your home that you could ditch for a natural alternative?

I invite you to learn about natural, synthetic, and chemical-free products you can safely use every day. Remove the worry and allow me to share doTERRA’s wide range of products with you. From cleaning to body and skincare – ditch and switch to products that enhance your overall wellness!

This workshop includes:

  • Deep Dive+ workshop.
  • Essential Oils and Personal Care eBook.
  • Cleaning with Essential Oils eBook.
  • Enjoy three samples to experience and enjoy after the workshop.
  • I’ve included two of my favorite blend recipes for cleaning.
  • Personal worksheet to assist you; notes, interests, goals.

Share this workshop with your family and friends! Join the workshop together. This is the perfect workshop for a family team or a group of friends. Learn together how to create a new home environment. 

This workshop will be held on Zoom. You must register a minimum of two weeks before the workshop to receive the essential oil samples. Registrations received less than two weeks before the selected workshop date are not eligible to receive samples.

  • You will receive the zoom link and other materials by email the day before the workshop. 

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Influencers Bootcamp – $26.00

Excited, enthused, and encouraged. Feel like you are at the top of your game! Take your essential oil use to the next level. This workshop is perfect for those who want to hit the ground running with a ton of knowledge on how to use essential oils and essential oil-infused products with confidence. The best way to start the ditch and switch process in your home. Includes everything from the Confidence Booster, Deep Dive+, and Ditch and Switch workshops plus:

  • Aromatic Use of Essential Oils eBook.
  • Toxins and Air Quality eBook.
  • Our top 10 favorite blend recipes for topical and/or aromatic use in a diffuser. 
  • Included is five samples to use; some during and some after the workshop.
  • Learn how to save money on orders by bundling with kits.
  • What are Loyalty Rewards and how does one participate to save money.
  • Personal worksheet to assist you; notes, interests, goals.

Participate in this workshop with your family and friends! This is the perfect opportunity to get a group together and have fun!

This workshop will be held on Zoom. You must register a minimum of two weeks before the workshop to receive the essential oil samples. Registrations received less than two weeks before the selected workshop date are not eligible to receive samples.

  • You will receive the zoom link and other materials by email the day before the workshop. 

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Dream Create Live – $12.00

Imagine the freedom, peace of mind, and ability to help others. Create a vision. What do you see? Does it mean having the option of working part-time? Staying home with your kids? Paying off the debt that has been weighing on your mind? What about having savings and extra cash for those little things. What about retirement and being able to give back through charity work? Do you feel like your dreams are out of reach, or harder to achieve than you wish? I sure think about all of these things and they use to keep me up at night worrying if I was doing enough. Then I had a shift in my thinking and my dreams were inspired.

What if by making a mind shift change, you can take your control back? 

Inspire your dreams. I invite you to take advantage of creating a lifestyle switch working towards the rewards you have imagined and sharing this possibility with others who seek the same thing. Set goals, work hard, set a dream in motion, and make it happen. I can not guarantee this, but I promise to help and support you each step of your journey. When you fall in love with essential oils, the rest is up to YOU; I believe in you! YOU are strong, brave, and have the power to believe in yourself, and your goals, and realize your dream. 

This workshop includes:

  • One essential oil sample to use during the workshop.
  • Compensation Plan.
  • Power of 3 Guide.
  • Wholesale Product List.
  • 2020 Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure.
  • 100 Uses for Essential Oils eBook.
  • Three eBooks on aromatic, internal, and topical use of essential oils.
  • Personal worksheet to assist you; notes, interests, goals.

Those who already have a wholesale membership when this workshop is held will also have access to:

  • Approved Claims List
  • Quick Claims Guide for Social Media
  • Earnings Quick Claims Guide

Who do you know who needs a wee bit of inspiration in their life? Share this workshop with them, participate together, and learn how to create a new lifestyle rewards plan. 

This workshop will be held on Zoom. You must register a minimum of two weeks before the workshop to receive the essential oil sample. Registrations received less than two weeks before the selected workshop date are not eligible to receive the sample.

  • You will receive the zoom link and other materials by email the day before the workshop. 

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I Want It All – $60.00

Courageous, knowledgeable, and problem solver. These are the feelings inspired when you experience this workshop! I invite you to join this workshop and enjoy all our workshops in one bag of bundled fun, inspiration, fellowship, and a sweet savings of $12.00.

  • Confidence Booster
  • Deep Dive+
  • Ditch and Switch
  • Influencers Bootcamp
  • Dream Pursue Inspire

You want to learn it all at once and are ready to start using essential oils in your home, sharing them with others, and how to create an income stream.

Take advantage of wholesale savings.  During this workshop, you will have the opportunity to place your first order. We will assist you in selecting what inspires you and matches your needs best. (Wholesale accounts are $35 in addition to the workshop fee and will be due when you place your first wholesale order. This is optional, not required.)

  • At the end of the workshop, should you decide to enroll with your wholesale account, you will have the BONUS opportunity to join our private Essential Clubhouse community on Facebook and meet others who love using essential oils!

Get ready to launch a new path of excitement in your life! This is a great workshop to share and participate in with family and friends! 

This workshop will be held on Zoom. You must register a minimum of two weeks before the workshop to receive the essential oil samples. Registrations received less than two weeks before the selected workshop date are not eligible to receive samples.

  • You will receive the zoom link and other materials by email the day before the workshop. 

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Create and Inspire – FREE

Joyful, fun, laughter, and togetherness. These are the feeling inspired when you gather family and friends together. Let’s get creative! Enjoy time spent with your family and friends at your workshop. Workshops are educational, inspirational, and motivating, all at the same time! Workshops can be held in person or online. It will depend on where you are located. Either way, they will be packed full of fun!

Your workshop will include:

  • A special “thank you for hosting” gift from me
  • Samples for your guests
  • Guide sheet of examples and uses to assist your guests and you. 
  • Personal worksheet to assist your guests and you; notes, interests, goals.
  • Mystery Hostess gift – This option will be determined by the number of guests that attend, sales, and other factors that I will share with you when you book the workshop.

“Life” event workshops available:

  • Bridal shower
  • Bachelorette rollerball make and take
  • Baby shower
  • Birthday party
  • Date night – couples party
  • Girls’ night out
  • Holiday themed parties
  • Other types available upon request

“Class” style workshops available:

  1. Essential Oil Basics
  2. Rollerball Make and Take
  3. Emotions and Essential oils
  4. Women’s Health
  5. Men’s Health
  6. Cooking With Essential Oils
  7. Skincare Essentials
  8. Essential Oils of the Bible
  9. Romance and Essential Oils
  10. Essential Yoga
  11. Kids Essentials
  12. Essential Oils and Sleep
  13. Cleaning With Essential Oils
  14. Focus: Motivation and Essential Oils
  15. Essential Oils and Fitness
  16. Essential Oils and Personal Care
  17. Essential Oils and Weight Management
  18. Pets and Essential oils
  19. Other types available upon request

Don’t see the type of workshop you would like to host? During check-out, you will have the opportunity to provide comments on what you are interested in learning.

The workshop should be booked at least one month in advance so your guests have time to add it to their schedule, and you and I have time to prepare. 

Click “Register Now” to select the month you would like to host. I will contact you to select an event date. (Back to Top)

Macramé Oil holder make-n-take workshop – $35

Coming soon!

Macramé has a soothing effect on the mind. Focusing on the task at hand allows a person to feel calm and have positive emotions. Learn how to make a small walling hanging that holds up to three essential oil rollers. Create one essential oil roller blend that resonates with your senses! Essential oils help improve job performance through reduced stress and increased attentiveness. Spend time with family and friends while learning a fun new skill. Seating is available for a minimum of five seats or up to ten seats. The tenth guest is 50% off!

Check back for more pop-up events coming this summer!

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Attendee discounts: Host a workshop with your family and friends and SAVE! Discounts are applied to the Ditch and Switch, Influencers Bootcamp, and I Want It All workshops. When placing a bulk order of 10+ registrations for one of these workshops, the TENTH registration is FREE. Discounts will be applied during the checkout process. Bulk fee due at checkout. Questions? Please email

Take advantage of wholesale savings. During each workshop, you will have the opportunity to place your first order. We will assist you in selecting what inspires you and matches your needs best. (Wholesale accounts are $35 in addition to the workshop fee and will be due when you place your first wholesale order. Wholesale accounts are optional, and not required. However, they do provide additional savings of 25% if this is something that interests you).

At the end of the workshop, should you decide to enroll with your own wholesale account, you will have the BONUS opportunity to join our private Essential Clubhouse community on Facebook and meet others who love using essential oils!

doTERRA Wellness Advocate, 419181 


Connect with Dana

Explore the opportunities on how essential oils can help improve your overall wellness. If you would like to know more about these suggestions or have questions, please click here.

Essential oils

  • Support the immune system
  • Relieve occasional sleeplessness
  • Relieve head and neck tension
  • Reduce anxious feelings, help relax and soothe away tension
  • Relieve occasional or mild heartburn, occasional upset stomach, and aid digestion
  • Aid in mental alertness
  • Reduce seasonal and environmental threats

FDA Disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”