WHOLESALE OR RETAIL – What is the difference


I invite you to participate in savings. Wholesale is the best way to purchase your essential oils. Membership is $35 which gives you 25% off all your essential oils and natural health products FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR!! A perk you can take advantage of which is similar to other business memberships that provide discounts.

Tips for additional savings. Browse kits that wave the $35 membership fee, or collections that group products for additional savings.

My gift to you. When you partner with me you will have instant access to one on one training and membership to my private education club of other beginners just like you! This private community is packed full of education online and in person, monthly giveaways, and best of all, a place to build new friendships! You will also receive a welcome gift from me- a thank you for joining my oil family. 


You do not need a membership to order! I want people to experience the benefits of doTERRA essentials, but membership may not be what you are looking for. Place a retail order, use the oils, see how powerful they are, and learn the difference they make in your life.

When the decision is right and you are ready, the membership option will be waiting for you, including all the perks that come with it. (Back to Top)

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AromaTouch®, Massage Blend

Who experiences knocking behind the eyes and temples? This blend helps soothe and relieve head and neck tension, supports cartilage and joint function, and relieves minor pain associated with non-disease states such as muscle pain following exercise. I like to apply a drop to my temples, or a couple on the back of my neck and shoulders along with a carrier oil. (Back to Top)

doTERRA Balance® Oil, Grounding Blend

This blend is one of my go-to blends. When applied topically to wrists, palms, back of neck, or bottom of feet, it helps to reduce sad or anxious feelings, helps soothe away tension, reduces irritability, and calms restlessness. I like to use this blend during my workday before a meeting or juggling more than one priority at a time. (Back to Top)

doTERRA Breathe® Oil, Respiratory Blend

When struggling with seasonal and environmental factors, I turn to the Breathe® line of respiratory support products. I love breathing in the oil which helps relax and open my airway. When my throat is irritated or I have a little tickle, the drops are amazing and help soothe the irritation. (Back to Top)

doTERRA Spa Refreshing Body Wash

I am in love with this body wash. Experiencing the fresh citrus scent of Bergamot Essential oil wakes me up in the morning but is calming to my emotions at night, thanks to the calming properties found in citrus oils. It also leaves my skin feeling clean and soft! (Back to Top)

doTERRA Cheer® Touch, Uplifting Blend

With the scent of spice and a bit of sweetness, I use this daily as my preferred scent. Along with smelling delicious, this blend helps keep my emotions positive and my attitude happy! I love using the 10mL roller which already contains fractionated coconut oil as the carrier oil. I apply it to my wrists and neck. (Back to Top)

Clarycalm® Oil, Monthly Blend for Women

This blend helps provide support for emotional ups and downs. Do you ever need a dash of chill during certain times of the month? I recommend this amazing blend for any female! (Back to Top)

DigestZen® Oil, Digestive Blend

Do you experience occasional tummy discomfort after eating such as occasional bloating, indigestion, and gas? This blend helps support healthy digestion when used internally and when rubbed topically on the area of discomfort. I love how quickly it works for me! (Back to Top)

Deep BlueTM Stick +Copaiba

My neck and shoulders love how soothing this is! A favorite of mine and one of many products in the Deep Blue Soothing line of products! Use easily when on the go! Provides maximum OTC strength plant-based menthol. Experience the delivery of temporary relief for minor aches and pains in muscles and joints associated with simple backache, arthritis, sprains, strains, and bruises. It has moisturizing emollients that leave skin soft and non-greasy too! I love the cooling effect it has on my skin and how it leaves my tight muscles feeling relaxed! (Back to Top)

Kids Oil Collection: 

Children love essential oils and are naturally drawn to them. They are open-minded and non-judgmental. This kit is designed specifically with their little bodies in mind, a readymade toolbox full of wellness support that they can learn to use on their own. My friends love that they can purchase the entire collection at once, or each essential oil blend individually. (Back to Top)

doTERRA Serenity® Oil, Restful Blend

Providing my body a gentle calm at night is just what I need. This blend calms the mind after a busy day and helps set aside all that went on. It is easy to apply by adding a drop to the bottoms of feet, neck and wrists. Add a couple drops to a nighttime bath routine for a relaxing soak. Add a couple drops to a diffuser in the bedroom to fill the air with relaxing properties. Feeling extra keyed up? Check out the soft gels. They help provide additional restful properties when taken at bedtime. (Back to Top)

Wild Orange Oil

One of my all-time favorites, this magnificent essential oil captures the pure essence of orange. It boosts my mood but can be calming at the same time which is a hidden benefit of all citrus essential oils. Add in a drop of Peppermint and I’ve got a divine blend to keep me energized for quite some time! I like to diffuse and add a drop to my palms and inhale which puts a smile on my face each time I do this! (Back to Top)


I have a diffuser in each room in my home. Yep, and not overkill! I also have one in my car, one for travel, and one on my desk at work. No matter where I am, I always want to soak in the wonderful scents of essential oils and know that as I do, I am supporting the healthy function of all my body systems. I also diffuse to target certain things. Fresh scents during the spring and summer, fall and spicy scents during the winter, and particular oils for other areas of my health such as immune support, restful sleep, and cleansing of the air from pet odor or other environmental factors. I don’t have a favorite diffuser, so visit my website and see which fits your lifestyle and space best. (Back to Top)

doTERRA Wellness Advocate, 419181 

Email: pureandsimpleoilseducation@gmail.com

Connect with Dana

Explore the opportunities on how essential oils can help improve your overall wellness. If you would like to know more about these suggestions or have questions, please click here.

Essential oils

  • Support the immune system
  • Relieve occasional sleeplessness
  • Relieve head and neck tension
  • Reduce anxious feelings, help relax and soothe away tension
  • Relieve occasional or mild heartburn, occasional upset stomach, and aid digestion
  • Aid in mental alertness
  • Reduce seasonal and environmental threats

FDA Disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

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