Educational Resources

Workshop Calendar

Results, engaging, fun. This is what your experience will be when joining any of my workshops. Save the date and look forward to a good time! Workshops are an easy way to become familiar with and learn about essential oils.

  • Read the workshop description on what each includes and determine which provides the RESULTS you are looking for.
  • I welcome you to purchase seats in bulk with your family and friends to save on the overall cost (six or more seating reservations). Online workshops only.
  • I also invite you to host a free workshop for your family and friends at your home or other location. (Back to top)

Click here to register and to read workshop descriptions.

Everyday Lifestyle

Live a healthier lifestyle by incorporating essential oils into your daily routines and habits. Use everyday products created for targeted wellness, while having fun and enjoying the clean and refreshing scents. (Back to top)

Morning: What is your morning routine? Think about the products you use every morning such as soap or shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, face cleanser, body lotion, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, and hair products. Swap all of them out for healthy, non-toxic products infused with essential oils. I am here to help you make the best selection for your needs and lifestyle.

Mid-day: Do you often experience a mid-day slump? Supply your body with essential oil-infused supplements such as Mito2Max® that provide support for healthy cellular function, energy, and stamina. Do you have a specific health goal? I can help you select the supplements that meet your needs and goals.

Night: It’s time for bed, but you are wound up like a tight spring. Try adding essential oils with restful properties such as Serenity® doTERRA’s restful blend to a diffuser on your nightstand, to the bottoms of your feet, and to the back of your neck. Their soothing properties will help relax your mind and body. You deserve a good night’s rest. Let’s chat. I’d love to share with you, what essential oils have helped me have a peaceful night. (Back to top)


Do you dream of adding delicious and natural flavors to your kitchen creations? There are so many ways to incorporate essential oils when you are in the kitchen. Think about the outcome you are wanting to achieve. Is it to add a POW of flavor? A subtle undertone of something unexpected? Or, are you wanting to target wellness for a particular health benefit? Essential oils are powerful and you need just a few drops to enhance flavor. Don’t overdo it. Start with a couple of drops until you have tasted the outcome. You can always add a drop or two more next time! (Back to top)

One of my favorite and most simple ways I use essential oils in the kitchen is by adding one-to-two drops of Lemon essential oil to a glass of water (glass or metal cup, or water bottle only), or a fruit smoothie. Lemon helps support healthy digestive function and a provides boost of sunshine energy. Not to mention the soft scent and taste of lemon essential oil is delicious!

Are you a brownie lover? Adding two-to-three drops of Peppermint essential oil (seriously, no more please) to a batch of brownies, provides a hint of nice flavor on the back end as you savor your delicious treat!

Following the sweet tooth path, adding one-to-two drops of any citrus essential oil to a frosting recipe will kick it up a notch and keep your guests curious about your tasteful skills.

Grill time! For anyone who loves a good grilling sauce or marinade recipe, how about kicking it up with essential oils? Basil, Black Pepper, Fennel, Ginger, Lime, Pink Pepper, Thyme, Oregano, and Wild Orange essential oils will add a hint of flavor to enhance your dish. Select the one that will target the flavor you want to achieve. I suggest adding one-to-three drops to your sauce. (Back to top)

doTERRA Wellness Advocate, 419181 


Connect with Dana

Explore the opportunities on how essential oils can help improve your overall wellness. If you would like to know more about these suggestions or have questions, please click here.

Essential oils

  • Support the immune system
  • Relieve occasional sleeplessness
  • Relieve head and neck tension
  • Reduce anxious feelings, help relax and soothe away tension
  • Relieve occasional or mild heartburn, occasional upset stomach, and aid digestion
  • Aid in mental alertness
  • Reduce seasonal and environmental threats

FDA Disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

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